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Madison Metropolitan School District

Homeless Services - Transition Education Program (TEP)

Our Goal is to reduce barriers to school enrollment and achievement so that children from families who are experiencing homelessness have a "full and equal opportunity" to succeed in school. 

Services include, but are not limited to advocacy, transportation, school supplies, resource and staff development, community education about homelessness and mobility and coordination with community partners.

Did you know that on average, it takes 4-6 months to recover academic progress from each school change? *

Contact Us

Jani Koester
Transition Education Program Teacher Leader - Elementary

Shannon Stevens
Transition Education Program Social Worker - Secondary

Transition Education Program Office

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Families are invited to look through the following resources collected by the MMSD Homeless Transition Education Program.

* Source: Expert panel report submitted in B.H. v. McDonald by Dr. Joy Rogers, Loyola University, Department of Education, 1991.