Private and parochial services are supported by the Madison Metropolitan School District through Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) / Title and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Affirmation (IDEA) federal funds.
- Child Find Screenings
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Affirmation of Representatives of Private Schools
- MSCR - CLC Grant
- Private School Allocations
- Student Support and Intervention Team Process
- Summer School
- Title I
- Title II
- Title III
- Title IV
Child Find Screenings
Child Find is a component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that requires states to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities, aged birth to 21, who are in need of early intervention or special education services. Child Find is a continuous process of public awareness activities, screening and evaluation designed to locate, identify, and refer as early as possible all young children with disabilities and their families who are in need of an Early Intervention Program (Part C) or Early Childhood Special Education (Part B) services of the IDEA.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Affirmation of Representatives of Private Schools
This Affirmation is signed by the private school representative each year to document that the Madison Metropolitan School District engaged in timely and meaningful consultation during the design and development of special education and related services.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Affirmation
Enrollment Link for Private & Parochial Students when a Special Education Referral is to be made.
Special Education Eligibility Guides can be found on DPI's website
Students with disabilities attending private or parochial schools
With the enactment of IDEA 2004 the MMSD has the responsibility for implementing the IDEA requirements for parentally placed private school students with disabilities who attend state recognized private or parochial (P/P) (elementary & secondary) schools within the MMSD boundary, regardless of their district of residency.
IDEA requirements for parentally placed PP students with disabilities in WI apply to students in grades K4 through grade 12.
Students transferring from MMSD public school to MMSD private/parochial schools
Students who transfer to a private or parochial school served by MMSD are still considered MMSD students. For students who meet eligibility for one or more disability areas, MMSD is responsible for offering 3 year reevaluations, and determining if any services will be offered to the private school via a Service Plan. It is not necessary to obtain written parental consent to share information between MMSD public and MMSD private/parochial schools.
- If the services the student received at MMSD are within the array of services offered at private schools, the parent is notified and a service plan can be developed to outline the services
- If the services the student received at MMSD are not within the array of services, MMSD will discuss with the parent that no services are available in the private school, but that the student remains entitled to services should they enroll in the public schools.
Note* DPI now recognizes/accepts private diagnoses of Dyslexia. However, the DPI disability eligibility criteria does not assess for Dyslexia. Eligibility criteria exists for Specific Learning Disabilities in Reading, Writing, and Math. So, just like a student with ADHD may/may not meet the DPI eligibility criteria of OHI, a student with Dyslexia may/may not meet the DPI eligibility criteria of SLD.
Students transferring from private/parochial schools to MMSD public schools
Students who transfer into an MMSD public school from a private schools would be considered an in-district transfer (as opposed to students who come in from another district). If the student is a prior MMSD public school student who returns to the MMSD public schools, their IEP would be reinstated, or if expired, would be developed.
Array of Services
Speech/Language Therapy
- 4K – 5th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service for Speech, Language & Fluency with documented impact on educational achievement.
- 6th - 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service for Fluency with documented impact on educational achievement.
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Instruction
- 4K – 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service (does not include ASL Interpretation)
- 4K – 12th Grade: Consultation
Vision Instruction
- 4K – 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service (does not include materials production)
Orientation & Mobility
- 4K – 12th Grade: Consultation and/or Direct Service
Professional Development related to the needs of students identified with disabilities
MSCR - CLC Grant
Madison School & Community Recreation (MSCR), a department of Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD), currently manages and operates fifteen 21st Century Community Learning Center (CLC) Grants awarded from the U.S. Department of Education through Wisconsin DPI.
These grant programs target low-income, low achieving students. Our programs strive to improve academic achievement, especially in literacy and math, through tutoring/ homework assistance and hands-on academic enrichment during after school hours.
CLC Grant Schools
Elementary School
- Henderson Elementary
- Mendota Elementary
- Nuestro Mundo Community School
- Orchard Ridge Elementary
- Schenk Elementary
- Southside Elementary
Middle & High School
- Black Hawk Middle School
- La Follette High School
- Sennett Middle School
- Sherman Middle School
- Wright Middle School
Must Offer
- Academic enrichment opportunities for students
- Additional student activities that complement academic programming
- Opportunities for active and meaningful engagement in each child’s education for families
Programs should
- Target students with greatest need
- Employ multiple methods for recruiting students
- Develop plan for retention of students
Private School Allocations
- Abundant Life
- Blessed Sacrament
- Blooming Grove
- Eagle School of Madison
- Eastside Evangelical Lutheran School
- Edgewood Campus School
- Edgewood High School
- The Feller School
- High Point Christian School
- Holy Cross Lutheran School
- Lighthouse Christian School
- Montessori Children's House
- Our Lady Queen of Peace
- Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran School
- Preschool of the Arts
- St. Ambrose Academy
- St. Dennis Grade School
- St. James Grade School
- St. Maria Goretti School
- Toad Hill Montessori
- Woodland Montessori
Student Support and Intervention Team Process
The purpose of Student Support and Intervention Team (SSIT) is to collaboratively problem solve to address the needs of individual students who are not making expected progress. During the collaboration, we all increase knowledge of student's strengths and challenges, determine strategies and supports, and determine appropriate referrals to special education and/or outside agencies. The outcome of the SSIT will be to document a plan that seeks to promote student success.
During the SSIT Meeting we will:
- Review of Information
- Define the specific problem
- Discuss what we want the child to know or be able to do
- Develop a plan that may include:
- Instructional Strategies
- Accommodations
- Modifications
- Interventions
- Based on results, consider a referral for special education
Parents can request an evaluation by completing this form and completing the online enrollment form
Summer School
Summer Semester Office Contacts
- Summer Semester Office
(608) 663-1914
Title I
Title I, Part A funds are targeted to high-poverty school districts and provide supplementary education to students who are educationally disadvantaged or at risk of failing to meet the state standards. Private and Parochial schools receive an equitable share of Title I funding which is in the form of instructional services to eligible students. The instruction students will receive supplements the primary classroom core curriculum. To be eligible, students must reside in Madison within a Title I school attendance area (see list below) and be demonstrating academic need in order to receive these services. Use the Find your School link and the list of schools below to help determine if students reside in the boundaries of a Title I receiving school.
Please contact Stephanie Dankert, Private and Parochial Coordinator at for more information.
If you have students who do not live in the MMSD attendance area, please contact the home school district to help determine if these students are eligible to receive Title I services.
Title I Schools 2024-25
- Anana Elementary
- Badger Rock Middle
- Black Hawk Middle
- Emerson Elementary
- Gompers Elementary
- Hawthorne Elementary
- Henderson Elementary
- Gillespie Middle
- Kennedy Elementary
- Lake View Elementary
- Leopold Elementary
- Lindbergh Elementary
- Mendota Elementary
- Muir Elementary
- O'Keeffe Middle
- Orchard Ridge Elementary
- Sandburg Elementary
- Schenk Elementary
- Sennett Middle
- Sherman Middle
- Southside Elementary
- Whitehorse Middle
Title II
The purpose of Title II, Part A grant funds is to increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality, increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools, and holding local educational agencies and schools accountable for improvements in student academic achievement.
Each private or parochial school participating in TII services must complete and return a needs assessment document describing student need in the core academic areas based on multiple measures of data. In alignment with these needs, teachers and administrators have the opportunity to attend MMSD courses, request specific professional development from MMSD, attend high quality professional development activities, or enroll in coursework. Participating staff or contracted consultants are reimbursed for expenses they incur through the MMSD Title II approval and reimbursement process. MMSD cannot reimburse the private or parochial school directly. Title II private or parochial school level allocations are calculated through the Department of Public Instruction's ESSA online grant application and is based on total school enrollment in January of the previous year.
Requesting Professional Development
- A 2024-25 MMSD Private & Parochial Schools Professional Development Request Form should be completed at least two weeks prior to the event. Requests will be approved pending their alignment with the school’s approved Needs Assessment and the award amount available for the current grant year (July 1 - June 30). All requests must be received by April 1st.
- After the teacher receives approval, the teacher will receive follow up regarding the next steps, either self-registering or having MMSD make the registration on their behalf.
- After the approved activity, the teacher will submit needed documentation that is listed on the Private & Parochial Out of District Professional Activity Form
- All reimbursement information is due back to MMSD by June 30th (end of the current grant year)
Requesting a Professional Development Consultant
The Private and Parochial School completes the Service Agreement Request form allowing two months for processing. MMSD requires service agreements to be approved before service starts. Service Agreement contracts are between MMSD, the Consultant and the Private Parochial School. MMSD drafts the consultant agreement and works directly with the consultant for approval. Therefore, the consultant will invoice MMSD within 7-10 days after work has been completed - and not the Private and Parochial School. All invoices must be received by June 30. Service agreements indicate that if there is not enough Title II allocation remaining at the time of invoicing, Private and Parochial school will be responsible for the balance.
Title III
The purpose of Title III, Part A is to increase the English proficiency of Limited English Proficient (LEP) children. English Learners that attend a private or parochial school within the Madison Metropolitan School District are first identified by taking the WIDA Screener Online or WIDA Remote Screener. Students that qualify for Title III, Part A services through this assessment then participate in the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assessment which annually measures English Proficiency Levels. MMSD provides a highly qualified instructor to administer the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 at each qualifying private or parochial school. Teachers and schools that participate in Title III can also participate in professional learning and student consultation throughout the year to learn best practices for instructing English Learners.
Title IIIA ensures that children attain English language proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English and meet the same challenging academic standards that all children are expected to meet. (Taken from
The Madison Metropolitan School District provides Title IIIA services to private schools in the form of: 1) professional development and coaching for private school staff regarding instructional best practices for teaching ELs and 2) monitoring/assessing of student English language development and proficiency.
The first step is for the potential English Learner to be screened using the WIDA Screener Online or WIDA Remote Screener. The screener results will indicate if the student is an English learner and qualifies for services. Parents/guardians then accept or refuse permission for the student to receive services. The student will continue to be assessed annually to monitor English Language Development. The annual assessment (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0) is administered in the winter with results being shared in late spring. Teachers will use the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 results to plan instruction to meet the individual academic needs of ELs. Please contact your student's school if you have any questions.
WIDA's Can Do Descriptors
The WIDA Can Do Descriptors are commonly used by ESL teachers in coaching general education teachers about differentiated instruction for English language learners (ELLs). They can also be used to plan lessons or observe students' progress. (Taken from the WIDA website)
The Can Do Descriptors can also be distributed with ACCESS for ELLs or WIDA MODEL score reports to help give teachers a basic overview of what the Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing proficiency level results indicate about their students' abilities. (Taken from the WIDA website)
Title IV
Title IV-A funds may be used to provide supplemental services or supports in the private/parochial setting that address one or more the of the following priorities: Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities, Safe and Healthy Students, and Effective Use of Technology.
Requesting Professional Development
- A 2024-25 MMSD Private & Parochial Schools Professional Development Request Form should be completed at least two weeks prior to the event. Requests will be approved pending their alignment with the school’s approved Needs Assessment and the award amount available for the current grant year (July 1 - June 30). All requests must be received by March 1st.
- After the teacher receives approval, the teacher may register and make any necessary travel arrangements.
- The teacher submits receipts, proof of payment and Professional Development Reimbursement Form & Checklist.
- All reimbursement information is due back to MMSD by June 30th (end of the current grant year)
Requesting a Professional Development Consultant
The Private and Parochial School completes the Service Agreement Request Form allowing two months for processing. Service Agreement contracts are between MMSD, the Consultant and the Private Parochial School. MMSD drafts the consultant agreement and works directly with the consultant for approval. Therefore, the consultant will invoice MMSD within 7-10 days after work has been completed - and not the Private and Parochial School. All invoices must be received by June 30. Service agreements indicate that if there is not enough Title II allocation remaining at the time of invoicing, Private and Parochial school will be responsible for the balance.
Contact Us
Executive Director of Federal & State Programs (Title I, Title II &Title IV)
Jennifer Waldner
Assistant Director of Multilingual Programs and Services (Title IIIA)
Jen Klutterman
Assistant Director of Special Education & Section 504 (IDEA)
Sean Bielmeier, Ph.D.
Program Support Teacher (All Areas)
Stephanie Dankert
Title I Interventionist
Emily Perkins
IDEA Program Support Teacher
Tracy Gibbons
Title I Interventionist
Amy Baran