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Madison Metropolitan School District

Energy Conservation

We have worked hard to make the Madison Metropolitan School District a community leader in energy conservation for several reasons. Clearly, it provides many ways for us to reduce our operating costs and save money but more importantly, it allows us to model for our children and the community we serve, some of the steps each of us must take to protect our Earth.

We have reduced expenses and saved energy within our technology infrastructure through our use of desktop energy management software, virtualizing our servers, improving the energy efficiency of our computing center and implementing a new document management system to significantly reduce our use of paper.  We have several things we are targeting for further improvements in the year ahead.  We must be creative, and continue to take this issue very seriously and we are proud to be leaders in our efforts to save energy.

For details on our LEED Silver Certified Elementary School, our 18 Energy Star Certified buildings and awards our district has received for energy conservation work, click here.

For further information, see:

  • CoSN, Consortium of School Networks: Environmental Sustainability
  • Wisconsin's Green & Healthy Schools Campaign
  • The e-Stewards recyclers are a group of leading North American electronics recyclers and asset managers who have been qualified as upholding the highest standard of environmental and social responsibility. On November 10th 2008, a day after being featured on the CBS program 60 Minutes, the Basel Action Network proudly announced a transformation of the existing program to a fully accredited, 3rd-party audited certification program: the e-Stewards Certification.
  • A NY Times article [15Apr.2010] on new efforts to certify & audit e-cycling