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Madison Metropolitan School District

Saving MMSD Google Items Upon Separation

Students or Staff Leaving the District


Are you graduating or leaving the school district and want to take some of your Google Apps files with you? This document describes steps to follow to take your Google Apps for Education files with you upon separation from MMSD.  

MMSD’s Policies

Your MMSD Google Apps account is maintained by the school district it will not follow you as you leave

If you are a teacher or student leaving MMSD, you will need to ensure that you transfer any documents or emails that are needed before you terminate your employment with MMSD or graduate or are no longer a student within MMSD. Based on the dates below, failing to transfer your data means that you will no longer have access to your Google Apps account or files. The information below will explain each of your export options.

  • Student Accounts: Last day of September of Each Year

  • Staff Accounts: Last Day of Employment


When a staff member or student leaves our school district, they have the options below to take care of their Google Apps for Education files.

  • MOVE/SHARE DATA & FILES TO COLLEAGUES in MMSD who may be able to use them
    Students are recommended to share important documents with staff/club advisors created as a teaching assistant or club leadership role. The instructor or student that you share the document with will need to "make a copy". This will allow the new OWNER to have full access. 

    • You can transfer files to them as follows (or more detailed directions)

      1. share the document(s) or sites with a colleague as usual by clicking the big blue Share button and adding that person to the Add people section.

      2. in the sharing settings, locate the person you shared with, and switch their edit options from Can Edit to Is Owner.

      3. Now that person is the owner of that item.
        Simply sharing the files is not enough, because when your account is deleted, the files will be deleted as well if you are still the owner.

    Google Takeout - Download your Google Data
    Choose method to Transfer or Download

  1. Google Takeout/Transfer: Copy content (data/files) from your school Google Drive and Gmail accounts to transfer to another Google account (i.e. use or create a new Personal Gmail or Parent/Guardian’s Gmail).

    • Visit this site: 

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to copy and transfer your school stuff to a personal Google account. Directions for Students video/directions [English/Spanish] (thanks La Follette for documentation)

    • Note: Personal Google accounts offer 15 GB of FREE storage. When transferring data/files in excess of 15 GB, additional storage may be required in order to complete the transfer. See links following on pricing for Google One storage plans.

  2. Google Takeout: Download your data/files that you created in (or import’ed into) a number of Google products. Downloaded data comes in a variety of open, portable formats that you can easily import into other internet services.

    • Downloading specific folders and files: directions

    • Downloading Selected Items (or entire) Drive: visit this site:

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to create a downloadable archive of your data that you can later upload to a personal Google Account. directions/video

    • Note: When you download your ZIP File, all downloads are converted to Microsoft Office Files. You'll want to convert them back to Google files.


Other EdTech Accounts

  • SeeSaw: Please use THIS DOCUMENT to maintain access to your Seesaw account after your district email is deactivated. Directions include changing the email address of your Seesaw account and making sure you know the account password.

  • Other EdTech Accounts (ex. Kahoot, Quizizz, Pear Deck and more): Update Email Address in the Settings (usually Profile) your program of choice.