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Madison Metropolitan School District

Transferring Ownership of Google Files

If someone is retiring or leaving MMSD, their Google Account will be deleted. That means that any files associated with this person’s account will also be deleted. Sharing those files with others is not enough. This document provides information about transferring important files to another MMSD account.

  1. If multiple files are being transferred to the same person, it is easier to complete this process by having files in a folder.
  2. Right click on the folder and select share. Share the folder with the appropriate person by typing in their name and making sure they have edit rights.
    Note: When you share a folder that has files inside, you are also sharing all of those enclosed files with the same person. So, you will not have to share each individual file with the person.
    right click share animation
  3. Now that you have shared the folder and files with someone, it is time to change ownership of the folder. To transfer ownership, the original owner listed must follow these steps:
    • Right click on the folder and select share
      right click share animation
    • Locate the appropriate person listed and Select the drop down menu to the right, where it currently says “editor”.
      share settings editor
    • From that menu, select the option that says “Transfer ownership”.
      Note: If you do not see this option, you are not the original owner and cannot change ownership.
      Editor Drop Down
    • Google will ask to Make this person the owner? Choose Yes!
  4. Unfortunately, changing the ownership of the folder, does not change ownership of the files inside the folder. One of the two methods below will have to be completed so the new person continues to have access to the files inside the folder.