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Madison Metropolitan School District

External Research

Our timeline for the 2024-25 school year will be:

Submission Due Date Review Date Notification Date
On time submissions can expect review during this review period When the committee reviews submissions If you completed a submission, this is when you can expect notification of review
September 6 September 13 September 27
November 1 November 8 November 22
February 4 February 14 February 28
April 4 April 11

April 25

2024-2025 Quarterly Data Pull Windows
This is the window of time when you can expect requested data

November 11-22 March 3-14 July 7-18  

MMSD will complete quarterly data pulls for requested data. All external researcher requesters must have applied and be approved through the ERC. Through your application you may request preferred windows, but we ask that you send an email at least 1 week prior to your preferred data window with your request using this Data Addendum. For those requesting individual student data, you must have one of the following:

  1. consent forms with data specified
  2. a signed contract with MMSD, or
  3. a signed DUA (DUA template) and attach this to your email request

For questions, please review our DUA process here. RAI will review your data request and preferred data window. If you have an approved data request, you should expect the data by the end of the Data Pull Window.


What needs to be reviewed?

Any potential research project in MMSD must go through the external research review process.. Generally, MMSD defines "external research" as any situation where someone gathers data or information about MMSD students, parents or staff and shares that information with an external party. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Students working on projects for degrees or credit (e.g., a dissertation or thesis)
  • Students working on course projects they may want to publish at a later date
  • Grant-funded research conducted by postsecondary education faculty
  • Vendors looking to pilot an assessment or curriculum
  • MMSD staff working toward an advanced degree
  • MMSD staff looking to publish or present their action research outside of MMSD


Why does my project need to be reviewed?

The external research review process protects MMSD students and staff against research that puts them at personal and/or professional risk and helps MMSD determine whether the benefits of a proposed research project justify the risks and the time spent by participants and staff.


How can I access individual-level data?

Individual-level data refers to data associated with a specific person, while aggregate data refers to data associated with a group of people. A memo from MMSD indicates the only ways that individuals may access individual-level MMSD data.

If you are looking for a DUA, please see the steps for our DUA process here.

Resource Page

Resources Include:

  • Proposal Process
  • Items to Check Before Submitting Your Proposal
  • Frequently Asked Questions

ERC Deliverable Hub
Find content submitted by ERC researchers here

What if I have questions?

If you have questions about submitting a proposal, please contact Bri Monahan in the Research, Assessment & Improvement Department (

If needed, the ERC mailing address is:

Madison Metropolitan School District
Research & Program Evaluation Office
545 West Dayton Street, Room 100H
Madison, WI 53703